2025 and Articles In Press
*indicates shared first authorship, #indicates undergraduate student mentee
#Kim, H. & Hahnel-Peeters, R. K. (in press). Guilt helps navigate social norms and boundaries: In relation to sexual fantasies about unwanted sexual advances. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer Nature.
#Jacques, B., & Hahnel-Peeters, R. K. (2024). Femicide: Causes. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer Nature.
#Fisher, K., & Hahnel-Peeters, R. K. (2024). Bisexuality in females: Infanticide avoidance; women, their lovers, and their children. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer Nature.
Sasaki, R., Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Shimizu, E. (2024). Development of the Japanese version of the Rape Excusing Attitudes and Language Scale and comparison between rape myth acceptance in Japan and the U.S. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Goetz, C. D., & Goetz, A. T. (2024). Men’s attitudes toward third-party casual sex predict rape myth acceptance. Culture and Evolution. DOI: 10.1556/2055.2023.00036
Freihart, B. K., McMahon, L. N., Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Meston, C. M. (2023). Relationship satisfaction. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.) Springer Nature Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. Springer.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K. (2023). Bodyguard hypothesis, rape and coercion. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.) Springer Nature encyclopedia of sexual psychology & behavior. Springer.
Crosby, C. L., Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Buss, D. M. (2022). Toward a more domain-specific conceptualization of female traits: A commentary on Benenson et al. (2022). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45, e134. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X22000450
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Goetz, A. T. (2022). Development and validation of the Rape Excusing Attitudes and Language Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 186: 111359. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.111359
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Peeters, K. J., & Goetz, A. T. (2021). Why boulder springs has no boulders and no springs: Evolved landscape preferences and naming conventions. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1037/aca0000414
*Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., *Idoine, J. L., Jackson, R. E., & Goetz, A. T. (2020). Is the Vertical-Horizontal Illusion a Byproduct of the Environmental Vertical Illusion? Evolutionary Psychology.
Articles Under Review
Costello, W., Sedlacek, A. G. B., Durkee, P. K., Crosby, C. L., Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Buss, D. M. (under review). Evolutionary psychology hypotheses are testable and falsifiable.
Krems, J. A., Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Williams, K. E. G. (under review). Americans are more censorious of art by artists accused of sexual assault than other crimes (including murder).
Manuscripts in Prep
*Costello, W., *Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Baca, P., Dougan, F. S., & Buss, D. M. (in prep). Theoretical status and replicability in Evolutionary Psychology.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Crosby, C. L., Durkee, P. K., Asao, K., Buss, D. M., … et al. (in prep). The universal role of religiosity in sexual moralization across 20 countries: From Chile to Thailand. [Analyzing data]. Expected submission March 2025.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Crosby, C. L., Durkee, P. K., Asao, K., Buss, D. M. … et al. (in prep). The universal role of disgust in sexual moralization across 16 countries: From Chile to Thailand. [Analyzing data]. Expected submission March 2025.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., Crosby, C. L., Durkee, P. K., Buss, D. M., … et al. (in prep). Universality of sexual morality across 20 countries: From Chile to Thailand. [Analyzing data]. Expected submission December 2024.
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Buss, D. M. (in prep). Women’s defenses against sexual violence. [Revising Manuscript].
Hahnel-Peeters, R. K., & Buss, D. M. (in prep). Testing design features of women’s bodyguard psychology. [Data collection – Final Study]